Author: Perkinson Homes

Elevate Your Living Experience: Exploring Custom Home Features Beyond the Ordinary

Homeownership exists in a world beyond conventional living spaces—a world where imagination meets innovation and luxury intertwines with leisure. Beyond traditional bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms lies a realm of custom home features that elevate the living experience to new heights. From entertainment rooms to movie theaters, these unique spaces add value to a home and offer unparalleled enjoyment and relaxation for homeowners and their guests.

Embracing Versatility: The Rise of Multi-functional Spaces in Modern Home Design

In an era where versatility is a high priority, and our lifestyles are evolving at a rapid pace, the desire for homes that can adapt to our ever-changing needs has become more popular than ever. Gone are the days of rigid room layouts and single-purpose spaces. Today, homeowners crave flexibility, seeking designs that seamlessly transition between work, play, and relaxation. This shift has sparked a revolution in home construction, giving rise to multi-functional spaces.

Embrace the Great Outdoors: Perfect Areas in Custom Homes for Summer Fun

As the sun graces us with its warm embrace and the days grow longer, it’s time to shift our focus to savoring all the great outdoors offers. Perkinson Homes revels in getting to create one-of-a-kind outdoor designs for our clients. From serene gardens to vibrant entertainment spaces, we have the partnerships, experience, and passion to make your yard everything you want—and more. Let’s dive in, and explore the areas of a custom home perfect for savoring the season’s delights.

Mastering the Craft: Unveiling the Art of Custom Cabinetry

As a seasoned custom home builder, the Perkinson Homes team appreciates cabinetry’s indispensable role in shaping a space’s aesthetics, functionality, and overall ambiance. Custom cabinetry, in particular, stands as a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, offering a unique blend of functionality and artistry. In this blog, we delve into the artistry of custom cabinetry, exploring design ideas tailored for kitchens, bathrooms, and beyond.

Looking Ahead: Designing for Multigenerational Living

Perkinson Homes understands that family dynamics are constantly evolving. With the rise of multigenerational living, where multiple generations live under one roof, it’s essential to create spaces that accommodate the diverse needs of each family member. Today, we want to explore the art of designing homes that foster harmony and functionality for multigenerational living.

Enhancing Home Living: The Vital Role of Landscape Design in Custom Home Construction

The design of the landscape your home sits on is one aspect that is often underestimated yet crucial in the overall custom home design process. A home’s exterior is just as important as its interior, and thoughtful landscaping can elevate the living experience to new heights. In this blog, we’ll discuss why landscape design is indispensable in home construction and cover the essential elements that go into crafting outdoor spaces that seamlessly complement indoor living.

Illuminating Spaces: Harnessing Natural Light in Home Design

At Perkinson Homes, we’re no strangers to the profound impact that natural light can have on the ambiance and functionality of a living space. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating environments that nurture well-being and enhance everyday living. One of the key ways we achieve this is by strategically placing a home where it’ll get plenty of natural light and incorporating elements such as skylights and large windows into our home designs.

Luxury Custom Home Features: Living Rooms

Welcome back to our blog series dedicated to exploring the various elements of a Perkinson Homes luxury custom home. Today, we’re delving into one of the most used areas of the home—the living room. As a custom home builder, Perkinson Homes has had the pleasure of designing living spaces that embody comfort, style, and extravagance. Let’s dive into some key features that elevate a living room from ordinary to extraordinary.

Building Dream Homes for Pet Lovers: Crafting Pet-Friendly Paradises

At Perkinson Homes, we’ve had the pleasure of working with countless families, and one thing’s for sure – pets are not just animals; they’re cherished members of the family. Our very own Beckett Perkinson even holds a position on the Perkinson staff! So, why shouldn’t they have a say in the design of their abode too? That’s where we come in, turning dreams into reality by creating pet-friendly features and spaces that cater to both human and furry inhabitants alike.

The Value of Interior Designers

As a custom home builder, we understand the profound impact that every detail has on the outcome of a project. From the initial blueprint to the finishing touches, each decision shapes the ambiance and functionality of a home. For those reasons, we regularly collaborate with interior designers throughout the building process. In this blog, we’ll delve into the invaluable contributions that interior designers bring to the table and why their involvement is indispensable in our ability to create genuinely exceptional custom homes.